Twelve Recommended Web Site Guidelines for Groups or Intergroups
According to our Fellowship’s Fifth Tradition, each S.L.A.A. group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the sex and love addict who still suffers. Many S.L.A.A. groups and Intergroups have created web sites to fulfill this purpose. Such a web site can reflect the experience, strength and hope of S.L.A.A. members, groups and Intergroups in the local area. The following guidelines were created to assist S.L.A.A. groups and Intergroups in creating and maintaining web sites which are locally managed, yet remain consistent with the Steps and Traditions of S.L.A.A., and ensure the on-going legal protection of copyrighted S.L.A.A. material. For further information on general S.L.A.A. related web site guidelines please see the official FWS Conference Committee Web Page Guidelines (Local Website Guidelines).
State that a group or Intergroup does not speak for all of S.L.A.A.
Ensure that the web site reflects S.L.A.A. Conference approved passages with the copyright emblem © and appropriate accompanying attribution, and clearly identifies local, non-Conference-approved content as well. [1]
State that S.L.A.A. is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented recovery fellowship.
A reference to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A. is strongly suggested. [2]
Strive for welcome, acceptance, inclusively, and unity wherever possible.
Local group or Intergroup Web Sites are encouraged to reflect the Seventh Tradition by being self-supporting through voluntary contributions of local members. Being ever mindful of the Third and Sixth Traditions, avoiding sponsorships, endorsements, or commercial affiliations. [3]
Link to other “S” Fellowship Twelve Step programs as appropriate. Ensuring that any links to non-S.L.A.A. sites include a non-affiliation disclaimer. [4]
Respect Anonymity and security. [5]
Remembering that Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented fellowship, based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous, the A.A. Web Site may be a source for ideas.
The Augustine Fellowship of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous does its business by group conscience based decision making, and it is suggested that group or intergroup web site design and maintenance decisions (e.g. content, presentation, funding, etc.) be made by at least two sober members of the group or intergroup, preferably with a variety of experience in practicing the S.L.A.A. Traditions. S.L.A.A. content Web Sites reflecting the decisions of a single individual are not encouraged.
S.L.A.A. related web sites can be considered a form of Public Information. Persons designing and maintaining an S.L.A.A. group or intergroup web site are recommended to have a minimum level of sobriety from self-defined bottom line behavior, which is typical of that region for other trusted servant positions (e.g., meeting secretary, group treasurer, intergroup representative).
Ensure the listing of complete, accurate information on how to contact FWS.
Recommended by the Board of Trustees, and The Conference Internet Committee, of the Augustine Fellowship, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous and awaiting final Board Approval. Copyright © 2000 The Augustine Fellowship, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc., 1550 NE Loop 410, Ste 118, San Antonio, TX 78209, United States. All rights reserved. Permission for publication pending 10531011.
1. Protecting S.L.A.A. copyright © is a must. Adhere to legal requirements or link to S.L.A.A. Conference approved literature on the official S.L.A.A. FWS Web Site (
Please note that the Basic Text (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) and the pamphlets distributed by FWS are the only S.L.A.A. Conference approved literature at this time. Do not publish entire text of S.L.A.A. pamphlets. Copyright law does not permit S.L.A.A. pamphlets to be reproduced in their entirety without permission by entities other than the FWS office. Approved excerpts are available on the official S.L.A.A. FWS Web Site (
When S.L.A.A. copyrighted material is quoted, include the copyright symbol ©, the year in which the work was published, and the name of the copyright owner (The Augustine Fellowship, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Fellowship Wide Services, Inc.).
Be sure to honor the © held by other entities in general.
2. All of the following must be present on the local web page exactly as listed below, including the permission statement between Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, FWS and Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. Linking to the official S.L.A.A. FWS Web Site ( instead, is permitted.
3. Non S.L.A.A. promotion in banners, advertisements, commercial products, services or other activity, seminars, particular philosophies or religions are strongly discouraged, as they violate our Traditions. Strive to always be mindful that such promotion might be distracting or inappropriate during a face to face meeting, so too might such promotion be distracting/inappropriate on a web site.
4. Suggested disclaimer statement to be present on all pages featuring links to other “S” related web sites:
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous neither endorses nor recommends the following organizations; their sites are identified only to provide individuals with the opportunity to learn about other Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition recovery groups dealing with addiction to sex, love and relationships.
5. Use firewalls and other security devices, as necessary, out of respect for the anonymity of persons accessing the web site. Ensure that group/intergroup e-mail contact information be anonymous through aliases, or blind e-mail accounts. List anonymous group or intergroup telephone numbers rather than personal telephone numbers.